Brann's List is a discord server for WoW content creators. A member is looking for some healers to collaborate.
Discord: Brann's List
Channel: creators-camp
Requirements: Healer, Beta Castle Nathria XP
Member: Layria
Message: I’ve started planning a new YouTube video that will be round table style with each healer class discussing Castle Nathria. I’m looking for guests who have done enough beta raid testing to be able to share their thoughts about the different fights with regards to healing.
My goal for the video is to offer players some insight on what to expect in Castle Nathria and help prepare them. There’s so much out there about m+ and healer classes but not so much about the new raid.
Is there anyone here in BL who would be interested in participating in this video (could be just audio or video, doesn’t matter), or do you know anyone who has done raid testing and might be interested? This is the first time I’m sharing this idea with anyone, and everyone in the BL community has always been so helpful so I wanted to reach out here first!
On a personal note, if you look at the first posts on this blog, you'll see that when I started WoW, I wanted to be a Healer. Actually a Healer/Mom to a raid group. It's been almost 7 years now and I've never done a raid, my healer is at max level but she is very squishy.
In the last two expansions, I've only passively levelled her through world events and professions. She's a great alchemist that keeps everyone topped up with water breathing potions and she does all our transmuting. But, she's never served her main purpose. In fact, she double specced away from Holy to Disc just so she wouldn't get killed quite so much levelling. I'm always looking for healer content and ideally would love to find a learning guild on Undermine so she could actually, y'know ... heal!