I started playing WoW because I ran out of excuses. My daughter, Vier, had wanted me to play for a while and I finally acquiesced to her request.
Note: I had never played a video game, computer game, online game - nothing! I even used to delete Solitaire off my first computers to make hard drive space. The learning curve was steep!
Noritam aka Nor aka Nori
Retribution Paladin level 120
My Main Gal - Lover of Dresses.
A Girly Girl who kicks ass, orcs, and Tallstriders, Plainstiders and any other big, gangly bird.
If you look back to the beginning of the blog, where my daughter Vier documented my thoughts before I even entered the game my stated goals, which remain true to this day were and are:
... that’s what I want to do, I want to help other players ... A paladin is always useful and I want to be useful. Healers are the only reason that I would ever consider playing. ... healers - hide around the corner and stay alive so you can help. ’the best thing I can do in a battle is hide and not get dead and not attack anybody’.
Day One: Nov. 27, 2013. I spent a lot of time RP walking because the default run speed was "way too fast". This would not be the last time Vier regretted inviting her mother into the game LOL!
Second-in-Command: Sushel
Sushel - BM Hunter level 117
Currently working on the Draenor Pathfinder and BfA Pathfinder.
- Alt1: Vier made me make a Hunter. A Fearless, No-Nonsense, All Business Beer Lover.
Name explanation in the comments of the link. Not ashamed to say that I enjoy playing a Hunter now.
Vier talked me into using the 90 boost for "the sheer amusement factor". Why, oh why, do I let her talk me into these things?
My Priest: Seelybrook
Seelybrook - Disc. Priest level 116
Passively levelling through herbalism and world events.
- Alt2: Love me some Nelfs. A quiet, shy, girly girl who loves all things coloured purple.
Starting Seely for professions & Real Life Disruption [hospital & chronic illness].
About Seely's name:
When she was first created her name was Saelybrooke, which I hated having to type. Shortly before she died, Vier talked me into a server change for an "adventure" and Saelybrooke was already in use so I gleefully changed her name to Seelybrook. After Vier died, I decided to bring her back home to Undermine and got to keep the name change.
DH Sal aka Sallaana
Sallaana - Havoc Demon Hunter level 112
- Kickin' Ass 'n Takin' Names. Sal is supposed to be working on Legion Pathfinder, but I find the DH Class Hall a nightmare. I started Sal during the pre-Legion days and I enjoy playing her.
Recently someone in the guild mentioned that they like playing a DH and did so through all of Legion, maybe they can help me with the class hall and I can get back to work with Sal.
Soozuu aka Me!
Soozuu - Protection Paladin level 65
- Tank Experience, a Gathering Specialist, dipping a toe into PvP.
The day I caught Old Ironjaw and discovered you can't hide in WoW.
Soozuu was my first Bank Alt and I don't know why I started levelling her but I did and I use her for my tentative forays into PvP.
Soozuu's personality is the closest to the 'real' me and so is her name. When I first went online in '99 the big thing was 'never use your real name' and my online persona for years was Zoo.
Because she was to be a 'throw-away' toon and never used for anything real in-game I gave her my real name plus my internet name. Unfortunately, that was already taken so the spelling distortion resulted in what you see.
Sazzil - Subtlety Rogue level 115
- Checking out the Other Side, The Dark Side of the Sun.
Gabbing in Guild Chat one night, we got to talking about playing Horde characters and that we had a sister guild over there.
Whoa! So many things we take for granted become new adventures. Finding our way around the main city, flight masters, zeppelins instead of boats, heck even getting to the Darkmoon Faire is an adventure when you're stowed in a city on a different continent and you can't find your way out the front door to get back "home" to Orgrimmar!
Canadian Bankers: Serran
Serran - The Canadian Bankers Guild. This time creating a bank alt I chose a character I would never want to play, chose a spec that I would never want to level and got him his own guild. Ser is officially and forever our Banker.
Noritam's Discord
Noritam's Nexus
My very small sever on Discordhttps://discord.gg/mtaYty5
Some Wow, some Crafts, lots of Cats and silliness.
Guild Discord
Of The Sun
The Guild Server on Discordhttps://discord.gg/9CkjVsS
Remembering Vier
Last but not least, Remembering Vier at "her spot" in the Shrine.![]() |
3 squares up from the wall 3 squares up from the stairs Vier's Spot |
😻 Remembering Jenn
One thing Jenn loved more than anything was doing annoying things. It was all fun and games when she kicked a soccer ball to you, splatted you with a pumpkin to turn you orange or a turnip to turn you pink, but that goddamn fucking train used to make me crazy.Whenever I was taking too long reading a quest description or sorting my bags or bank, and she got bored, she'd throw the train down. Which made everything take longer because I'd have to try and remember which item made the sound stop, find it, use it and then go back to sorting or reading.
Once the toy box came into being though it was better for me. She'd run through the "change your look" toys and then the "change your size" toys. Then if I was still taking too long she'd go through the throwing toys, starting with the ones that changed MY appearance.
One of the worst things I saw her do was throw out a Bling-a-Tron INSIDE a tent. So people would know it was out, but couldn't find it. -smh-
Miss ya, kid!
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